Burano, Murano and Venice ... lace, glass and water.

We weren't too sure what to do with our day, so after some little help from family via Viber (ain't social media grand) we decided a trip on a boat to some islands would be a good place to start. 


Murano is the glass island. It is the closest to Venice out of the three that are to the left of the island. Lots of beautiful glass things are made there. We saw many of them. We didn't see any glass blowing though, as it was Sunday they weren't operating. It is worth a visit, just don't swing anything around.

We didn't actually take any photos of the glass but we did get to watch a girl play the glasses. That was pretty cool.  She played classical music and the Harry Potter theme. Hannah was thrilled. 

Dan found some blinds. Venetian. So he took a photo of them. 
Venetian blinds in Venice, how Venetian.

We got back on our water taxi (along with half of the Murano tourists) and headed to the next island Burano, the lace island. It is also well known for something else, see if you can work it out from the photos.

Worked it out yet? 

The lace was beautiful. I could have purchased tablecloths, dresses, parasols, scarves, other linen and Dan's favourite - toilet roll holders. Sadly we didn't buy anything ... we just wandered the streets. 

We did, however, spend some money eating food. They had some Murano glasses for our water.

After a delicious lunch, we headed towards a rather interesting looking tower and the water. As we had approached the island we had noticed something interesting about this particular tower. The issue it had seemed to get worse the closer you got. Can you spot it?

Methinks someone forgot to use a ruler, level and string line ...

Ah well, the water and the view was pretty and so we looked, sat and meandered our way through Burano back towards the water taxi.

We had considered heading to the island of Lido to visit a beach or two, but it was after 4pm by this stage so it was time to head back to Venice for a nice dinner in the apartment.


  1. hi guys it is Mikael I remember when we went to Murano. that is where me and my sister got our ows from and we saw the person mck them as well. and now I really want to go back there. see you soon.

    1. Hi Mikael,
      Isn't it a great town. You are lucky to have got an owl each. I do wonder if we should have brought something from there. To late now! Though maybe one day we will go back and I can get something.
      Thanks for commenting.
      :) Mrs S & Hannah

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Dad! None of them are Asher's either. His will be 1 million times better.

    2. Hi Miss spragg
      I hope you are having a good time in your holiday.I like the photos you have been taken but if you aren't in most of them.I think you could work on being in more photos.

  3. Bellissimo team x my sister got engaged in Venice and brought me a string of Murano glass baubles x I'll show you upon your return x what an OE you're having x keep up the good work gang x

  4. Hi Miss spragg
    I hope you are having a good time in your holiday.I like the photos you have been taken but I noticed that you aren't in most of them.I think you could be in more photos.

    12:06 pm


  5. Hi miss speagg Ihope you are having a good holiday theres some ralley good photos.
    I did not know people could play that .


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