A school day

It was another ordinary week. We went for a walk with Dad to show him the swing rope. 

Found a view of Ponty too. 

Dan and I attended an 'Open the Book' assembly at the local school. This is kinda like Bible in Schools, though here they do a far better job of teaching all religions (something I think we should do in NZ) and engaging with many different celebrations (thus allowing everyone to have an understanding of everyone's cultures and religious celebrations) ... but I digress. 

This wee segment involves a group of people coming together with a group of students to tell a bible story. Today's story was Moses and the Red Sea (a good ole' 'many people die' one) and Dan was being the Voice of God. I was tagging along so I could have a noisy at a Welsh school. 

While the adults and students were getting themselves organised with costumes (the costumes were fantastic! H you would have been very jealous) the Head Teacher (Principal) took me around the school. All the classrooms, except the seniors, came off the hall. The school caters for 3 years to 10 years. It is small, like Yaldhurst, with the Head Teacher telling stories that rang familiar with me. It seems things are the same here and at home. It all looked and smelt the same as most schools and the students seemed as engaged/not engaged as at most schools. 

After a quick look around, it was time for the students to arrive. It was so lovely seeing a few kids from Kid's Club spotting Dan and I and waving enthusiastically. One girl called Eva stole the head teacher's thunder by answering his question about where we came from. It was quite funny!

The show did start and the students and adults did a great job telling the school all about how Moses saved his people from the Egyptians (and killed a few in the process, but we don't need to focus on that). The children seemed to enjoy it and Dan did a fantastic job saying his one line. Lol! 

And then it was all over. Home and back to supervising my 'students' school work.  


  1. Good for you guys :) How did you feel Dan actually being God for a line? Sooo glad you got to see this and experience the kind of 'How we do' even the simple stuff! Everything has a 'production' aspect to it and now you can do it back here eh Shazz!!! Everyone has to have an outfit! I still dream of our wardrobe under the stage at my old school...Ahhh. Here's to our next production together :)


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